Our team took part of a seminar focused on the development strategy of real-time economy

On September 26th 2023 our team took part of a seminar focused on the development strategy of real-time economy. The goal of the seminar was to make a plan how to update the vision of the real-time economy and map the most important activities for the coming years.

Speakers at the event included Sandra Helge, the Undersecretary for Business and Consumer Environment at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications; Sirli Heinsoo, Head of the Real-Time Economy; Joonas Pärenson, Head of the Strategic Planning Department; and Tanel Kerikmäe, Chief Strategist at TalTech Legal Lab.

You can read more about the development strategy seminar here: https://realtimeeconomy.ee/uudised/reaalajamajandus-ehk-ettevotlusandmete-reaalajas-tekkimise-volu?fbclid=IwAR2tpEgSPHWfKXm-rvDWV3X9_F0Pn4mCHXb9tx7pWWMbSw7wBcWPMyB67kk.