Telemedicine event Innovation in Healthcare Delivery: How Telemedicine Modernizes the Healthcare System

On June 14th 2023 TalTech Legal Lab, the Polish Embassy, the Polish Ministry of Health and the Polish-Estonian Chamber of Commerce hosted a telemedicine event Innovation in Healthcare Delivery: How Telemedicine Modernizes the Healthcare System.

The ambassador Grzegorz Kozlowski and professor Tanel Kerikmäe opened the day with insightful speeches. Throughout the event representatives from Estonia and Poland discussed various possibilities and problems that arise from telemedicine solutions. Liisi Jürgen from our team gave an overview of the legal challenges which must be addressed when providing telemedicine services. Among other aspects, privacy concerns must always be considered. The conference ended with presentations given by the Polish representatives who introduced their innovative healthcare solutions. We were so happy to see many Polish companies present at the event!

Thank you everyone for the insightful presentations and for the intriguing discussions! Many thanks to everyone who took part of the event and helped to organize it. We would also like to thank the moderator Melita Sogomonjan, expert in health policy and healthcare law, who made sure that everything was running smoothly.

We hope that there will be even more co-operation between Estonia and Poland regarding this important topic!